The Shifting Audience for Photography




Since the advent of the Internet and cameras in everyone’s phones and electronic devices, the number of photos in existence has absolutely exploded (in a recent presentation by Yahoo!, it was claimed that as many as 880 BILLION photos will be taken in 2014 if we continue on the current trend).

Of course, they’re not all great photos. But lots of people get started taking photos with their crappy phone cameras (or whatever they have), decide they like taking photos, purchase better camera equipment (which has become quite accessible both in terms of price and supply), and put up their website or storefront and start trying to sell prints, photo books, and/or photography services.

In economics terms, it’s quite clear that supply is exceeding demand for photography products and services. Or is it?

While it’s true that there are are more photographers out in the world trying to sell products and services to an audience of non-photographers that isn’t growing as fast, photography–as a subject of interest–has exploded right along with the explosion of photos and picture-taking devices.

Camera equipment sales are up (e.g., Canon Celebrates The Production Of 250 Million Digital Cameras) and the sale of photography “How-To” books (based on my observation of their proliferation at bookstores) is up.

What this means to me is that the audience for photography is shifting from non-photographer consumers to photographers as the consumers. Not only are photographers interested in doing photography themselves, but they’re more likely to be interested in the photography being done by other photographers.

So how does this audience shift affect the person trying to sell photography products and services?

I believe it’s photography as a service that gets impacted the most. There are millions of people with professional or semi-professional camera equipment (which has become quite affordable to many people) out in the world trying to make a buck with their equipment (as a sideline or to help pay for the equipment itself) who offer their services at low rates because it’s not their primary income-earning occupation. This adversely impacts the professional photographers trying to make a living as a full-time photographer. (This is an old story now and I’m not going to get into it any more than this.)

However, photographers trying to sell prints and books still have an audience, though it may be shifting over to an audience composed more of photographers than in the past. Photographers like to look at prints and photo books from photographers they admire because they inspire them to take better photos.

Of course, there’s the question of whether people more generally are buying fewer prints and books due to photos being so freely available on the Internet, where photographers can see them and (as photographers) be inspired by them. That’s a separate (though not unimportant) issue.

The new opportunity that has surfaced for photographers is selling their expertise and know-how to up and coming photographers who want to know more about the practice of photography and how to make better photos. This expertise and know-how can be transmitted via how-to books and ebooks, photography workshops, and/or tutoring or portfolio reviews.

Not all photographers are interested in ‘transmitting’ what they know to other less experienced photographers. Some experienced photographers just want to keep taking photos and selling their photos or photo services and making a living (photographers tend to be visual ‘observers’, of course, who may not feel comfortable interacting with strangers or with putting their knowledge into words).

The purpose of this post is to observe what’s happening (at least from my vantage point) versus making any recommendations to anyone. Sometimes just making a few observations can help people know what they need to do on an individual basis.

More observations to come…

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The Oldest Wood School House in the USA, St. Augustine, FL (Feb 2014)


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The Oldest Wood School House in the USA, St. Augustine, FL (Feb 2014)

The Oldest Wood School House in the USA, St. Augustine, FL (Feb 2014)

Click image to see it large..

Please note the well-preserved petrified child in the window…:p

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Thru a Daytona Beach Neighborhood (Feb 2014)


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Last February, my family and I stayed at a hotel right on the Atlantic Ocean in Daytona Beach, Florida. It was where we stayed for about 2.5 days (out of the total 7 days we spent in Florida), and it was hands down the best part of our trip. You could hear and see the waves and seagulls from our balcony, and the weather was sunny and warm.

The hotel was right along the main road through town (Atlantic Ave) and–as you might imagine–it was all ‘lodgy’ and touristy on the ocean side of the road.

If you crossed the road and went a block or more over on the other side, however, you immediately found yourself in residential neighborhoods. So, I took a little walk over there with my camera one day.

I took photos of houses and some of the areas and buildings near the edge of the neighborhood/s where commercial activity encroaches.

Scroll down to see the photos against a white background, or click one of the images to see them larger and against a dark background in a slide show format.



Color Corner

Color Corner

Naked Fish

Naked Fish

In the Palm of Trees

In the Palm of Trees

Restaurant at the Edge

Restaurant at the Edge

Playmobil House

Playmobil House

Apartments and Commerce

Apartments and Commerce

Residential Commerce

Residential Commerce

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Florida Scenic Highway A1A (Feb 2014)


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Florida Scenic Highway A1A (Feb 2014)

Florida Scenic Highway A1A (Feb 2014)

Click image to see it large..


Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

King of Beers, Daytona 500, FL (Feb 2014)


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I decided it might be fun to walk around and take photos on the grounds at the Daytona 500 Speedway during the week leading up to the big race.

As I wandered about, I noticed one alcoholic beverage company had a particularly *strong* presence there.

A naive person might think it strange that an alcoholic drink would have a strong association with an event where people are driving cars at speeds averaging over 140 mph.

But see, it’s not the drivers drinking the beer; it’s the fans in stands! Got that (silly you/me)?

Nope. See, the drivers don’t drink until after the race…and then they only drink champagne, and from a cartoonishly large bottle referred to as a “Double Magnum”, an “Imperial”, or “Mama’s Hollow Leg”*.

I just figure that drinking beer is a really good way to make watching cars go around and around a track 300 times (or whatever) really entertaining.

In any case, click on the images below to witness the King of Beers®’ presence at the Daytona 500 in life-like fidelity…

*(OK, I made that last one up. However, on a totally unrelated note: have you ever seen the Free Dictionary’s definition of Hiney? ->”Either of the two rounded prominences on the human torso that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures.” That makes me chuckle more even than actually uttering the word “hiney”..)

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View of Henry B. Plant Park, Tampa, FL (Feb 2014)


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View of Henry B. Plant Park, Tampa, FL (Feb 2014)

View of Henry B. Plant Park, Tampa, FL (Feb 2014)

Click image to see it against a dark background..

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

A Rare Cloudy Day at the Beach, Clearwater, FL (Feb 2014)


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A Rare Cloudy Day at the Beach, Clearwater, FL (Feb 2014)

A Rare Cloudy Day at the Beach, Clearwater, FL (Feb 2014)

Click the image to see it large..


Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse and Goodyear Blimp (Feb 2014)


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Either scroll down to see the sequence as smaller images against a white background, or click on the first image to see all of them larger against a black background..

(BTW, these aren’t the usual kind of photos I tend to post–e.g., not especially artsy, humorous, or providing social commentary. However, I figure it’s a pretty unique combination and sequence; so I put ’em up!)

Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse & Goodyear Blimp (Feb 2014)

Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse & Goodyear Blimp (Feb 2014)

Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse & Goodyear Blimp (Feb 2014)

Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse & Goodyear Blimp (Feb 2014)

Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse & Goodyear Blimp (Feb 2014)

Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse & Goodyear Blimp (Feb 2014)

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

Canon EOS 6D DSLR Camera with 24-105mm f/4.0L IS USM AF Lens


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I have owned or used the full series of Canon 5D DSLRs (Mark I through Mark III). I have also owned or used all of the Canon 1D DSLRs (Mark I through Mark IV).

A little less than a year ago, I got rid of my 5D Mark III and bought the 6D (with the 24-105mm f/4.0L IS lens which I had owned in the past). The first thing I shot with it were these two series: Saturday at Lake George, New York (June 2013) and 2013 Elvis Festival, Lake George, NY).

I was pretty knocked out by the results. The 24-105mm f/4.0L IS in conjunction with the 6D gives really sharp results. I did notice a slight delay in its autofocus performance, but the focus was still able to lock in–even on moving targets–in most cases.

The silent shutter setting has really come in handy for both street photography and paid event photography where I need to be very quiet (e.g., at poetry readings).

The image quality, even at high ISOs, is as good as the more expensive 5D Mark III.

In short, I would recommend the 6D to anyone looking for a full frame Canon DSLR if you’re not shooting anything as fast-moving as most sporting events or car racing. It’s excellent for photographing outdoors or relatively slow-moving (or non-moving) subjects indoors–e.g., a couple moving down a relatively dark church aisle.

I think I paid $2400 for the 6D DSLR + 24-105mm f/4.0L IS lens kit, but you can get it at B&H right now for a mere $2000; that’s a good deal.

The Body Only 6D is $1900, but I think buying the kit and selling the lens if you don’t need or want it is a significantly better deal.

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)


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The week my family and I were in Daytona Beach, Florida this past February turned out to be the week running up to the Daytona 500 car race. The first sign that something special was going on was my sighting of a Goodyear blimp. Not just one Goodyear blimp, but two of them!

On our way back to the hotel one day along Atlantic Ave (the main coastline drive through Daytona Beach), I spotted a Goodyear blimp going along the coast in the same direction and at seemingly the same speed we were traveling. So I opened my window and snapped a photo of the blimp each time I spotted it between the tall hotels along the coast.

It was fun to do and I think it ends up being a mesmerizing sequence. (Either scroll down to see the sequence as smaller images against a white background, or click on the first image to see all of them larger against a black background..)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

Beach Blimp, Daytona Beach, FL (Feb 2014)

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