Lucy in the Studio a la Dada (Nov 2013)




Dada: the style and techniques of a group of artists, writers, etc., of the early 20th century who exploited accidental and incongruous effects in their work

Lucy in the Studio a la Dada (Nov 2013)

Lucy in the Studio a la Dada (Nov 2013)

Click image to see it larger..


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State in Ithaca (June 2013)


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Whenever I walk past the State Theater in Ithaca, NY with a camera, the light and colors almost always tickle my picture-taking reflex.

I finally snapped one this year that actually gets close to the “lushness” of the scene…:-).

State in Ithaca (June 2013)

State in Ithaca (June 2013)

Click image to see it large..

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Expired Tri-X at a Lake Ontario Beach (Nov 2011)


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I meant to post some of these a while back, and I’m just getting back to it. I took these photos with a Canon Canonet QL17 camera (fixed 40mm f/1.7 lens and manual focus) on terribly expired Kodak Tri-X film…which really starts to lose its contrast.

In any case, the photos look “old fashioned” and are quite–for the lack of a better word–“romantic”. If you like the look of old b&w film, I think you’ll enjoy these…:-).

(OK, maybe the dead animals aren’t all that romantic…:p)

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Little Red Corset: Navigating a Corporate Landscape


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Last June (2013), I finally photographed a short series I had first envisioned the previous Winter. We tried to shoot it in late March, but the model came down with a bad cold. Instead of shooting during that chilly day in March, I fleshed out the concept of the shoot a bit more.

When we finally photographed the series, we hit ten locations in two hours. I wanted to call this a “photography sprint” because: a) it described the quickness of covering 10 locations in a short period of time, and b) I liked the combination of “sprint” with “little red corset”, the latter being a play on a fast sports car (i.e., “little red corvette”).

However, I worried that this all made the title too long and was too much about the process…?

Here’s what it was supposed to be:

Little Red Corset Photography Sprint:
Navigating a Corporate Landscape

Of course “navigating” at least hints at travel and may be sufficient by itself.

I’ve got plans to print these large because they were taken outside with a wide angle lens and were always meant to place the model within an expansive scene. I think printing them large would best present them with the full impact the images were meant to have. The cost to print and mount these as 30″x45″ prints is pretty expensive; so I may have to do a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign to make it happen.

Anyway, here’s a video of the likely final shots I want to print:


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Hedging is Poison in Photography




I hedge a lot in my life. When there’s not a clear good choice, I often hedge my bets: I’ll either allocate resources to both options or find some in between option and go for that. I think this works well for practical/material/financial/logistical matters and aligns well with the financial investing idea that you “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”.

When it comes to editing photos, however, you’ve got to treat hedging like it’s poison.

We’re already awash in a sea of way too many photos–via ads, magazines, billboards, and the Internet (esp social media). The last thing people need to see is more photos because you (the photographer) can’t figure out which one is your best shot to present; so you present multiple versions.

This latter strategy may be okay when someone paid you to take photos and they have a strong vested interest in them. The client likes the photographer to edit the collection of shots down to the best ones; but I find they often like to make the final choices for prints, albums, etc.

However, when you’re foisting unrequested shots onto the viewing public, you’ve got something like a nanosecond to get their attention. If you don’t pick out and present just the one best representative of a particular shot scenario and instead hedge by presenting multiple versions of it for the public to decide which they like best, you’re more than likely going to lose them down the slippery slope of indifference…even before you can say, “but I like so many of them, I wasn’t sure which one to present..”.

Editing, editing, editing…

Be brave and fearless my timid photography editing friend because hedging–when it comes to editing photos–is a recipe…not for disaster exactly, but for driving any audience you hope to engage away from your photos.

(Note: I’m not a perfect editor either. I’m working on it!)



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Upon Walking In (Jan 2013)


Upon Walking In (Jan 2013)

Upon Walking In (Jan 2013)

Click image to see large..

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The Joy of Photography in a Red Auditorium (Jan 2013)


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One left over from a photo shoot I did last January..

The Joy of Photography in a Red Auditorium

The Joy of Photography in a Red Auditorium

Click image to see against a dark background (yes, that book is “The Joy of Photography”..)


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Warmth of One Candle (Nov 2013)


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Warmth of One Candle (Nov 2013)

The Warmth of One Candle (Nov 2013)

Click image to see against dark background..

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!


Phantom Operetta (Nov 2013)


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Phantom Operetta (Nov 2013)

Phantom Operetta (Nov 2013)

Click image to see against dark background..

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

Forest Cathedral; Cooksburg, PA (August 2013)


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Forest Cathedral; Cooksburg, PA (Aug 2013)

Forest Cathedral; Cooksburg, PA (Aug 2013)

Click image to see against dark background..

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!