Saturday at Lake George, New York (June 2013)


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I decided to drive 3.5 hours away and spend a day photographing in Lake George, New York. Why?

I have been in Lake George previously, and it’s a touristy town with a whole heck of a lot of Americana going on. But this last weekend had an extra “oomph” to it: an Elvis Presley festival and an Americade motorcycle rally were both in town!

There was so much “Americana” going on, my head was spinning. I walked around for about 11 hours taking select photos of all the the people and activities. By the end, I had blisters on my feet, my leg joints ached and I consumed eight bottled and canned drinks (Red Bull, Gatorade, water and lemonade to name a few) because it was pretty hot and sticky; but it was definitely worth it…:).

I’m going to start with just street photography here. I broke off the Elvis photos and put them into another post.

(BTW, you can purchase the camera + lens I used for this series in my Amazon Associates store. The small amount I make helps to support this website! Thanks…:)


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Photography More than Taking Pretty Pictures



Knowing how to operate a camera (and photography equipment in general) is getting lower and lower on the list of obstacles one must overcome to  become a successful photographer; just above that is knowing how to take “a pretty picture”.

You want to be a successful photographer beyond the hobbyist level? Study human psychology, art, and marketing. Also, learn how to edit your stuff.

The other thing that helps me–not sure if this is true for everyone–is being able (or least trying) to explain my photographic goals, projects, and scenarios in words.

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2013 Cornell Fashion Collective Fashion Show


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For the past 6 or 7 years, I’ve been photographing the fashion show at Cornell University. It’s always in the Spring and it’s always a good warm-up for the busy late Spring and Summer photography seasons.

This year, I did some photography both back stage and also photographed the entire show itself.

In this post, I’ll be featuring some of those back stage photos–which I truly enjoy taking; they’re totally candid/unstaged and give one a view of the event that you don’t normally see as a fashion show audience member. (I mixed in just a couple show photos for good measure.)

I’ll be adding to the gallery over the next few weeks, but here’s a start!

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This Old House Nude


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It’s been a while, but I shot a art nude session today…on Mother’s Day!

I found an old remodeled home with some old furniture, some of which is in the process of being restored. In any case, we had nice light and some good fun.

Here are my favorites; a few more may make it into the gallery before it’s all said and done…:). Photo prints of any of these can be purchased online.

(BTW, you can purchase the camera and/or the lens I used for this series in my Amazon Associates store–click the links. The small amount I make helps to support this website! Thanks…:)

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

Photography and Imagination


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When a human has partial visual information about an object (including living “objects”) or scene, their imagination tends to fill in the missing information. Sometimes their imagination fills out the picture in a positive way (e.g. toward something they yearn for), and sometimes in a negative way (e.g., toward something they loath or fear). Being aware of this and “testing” a scene with one’s own imagination (to see if it’s particularly apt for imagination embellishment) is a big part of being a photographer, I believe.

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Louie’s Lunch Truck at 9:30pm


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Louie's Lunch Truck at 9:30pm, Ithaca, NY (April 2013)

Louie’s Lunch Truck at 9:30pm, Ithaca, NY (April 2013)

Click image..

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Cameraman at Turning Stone Casino


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While photographing a fashion show at Turning Stone Casino, I looked over and saw this sight. The cameraman was set up to video record the fashion show. It was a pure deadpan, fine art composition to me (having little to do with the actual “content” of the fashion show). So I present it here, separately from the fashion show photos…:-).

Cameraman at Turning Stone Casino (April 2013)

Cameraman at Turning Stone Casino (April 2013)

Click image..

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My Creative Goals in a Nutshell




My main goal for my photography and my writing (for that matter) is to improve my experience of life. It’s really that simple.

Sure it’s pretty self-serving. However, I believe others potentially benefit from:

  1. a happier Michael Grace-Martin, and
  2. in as much as others’ values and perceptions overlap with mine, they may find something of value in the stuff I create that I find of value (an unproven theory to be sure…:p)


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2013 Cazenovia College Fashion Show (40th Anniversary)


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Cazenovia College celebrated 40 years of fashion shows today and I was there to take photographs.

I will be editing photos over the next few days. I’ll be adding to them to the gallery below.

(By the way, the main show photos are now online and available for purchase. Note: contact me if you are one of the designers to get all of your runway images for a highly discounted $99.)

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!