GrassRoots Festival 2015: Photos from my ‘Slant’ Perspective


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I have been photographing the GrassRoots Festival in Trumansburg, NY over the past couple of years in exchange for free admission to the festival. So, though I am being “compensated”, it feels like I’m shooting for free.

Rightly or wrongly, this “feeling” leads me to take liberties when deciding what to photograph–i.e., I tend to photograph whatever I find personally interesting or compelling, along with the more “standard” photos I believe the festival organizers actually want from me. (Shooting both types of photos almost in parallel has become quite natural for me.)

Here, then, are the photos the organizers are fairly unlikely to use, but which capture aspects and scenes that I find personally entertaining and which keep me going back to photograph the festival each year. They are a reflection of my skewed and maybe slightly jaded perspective (:p), and are in roughly chronological order.

(On a side note: in general, I think my 2014 GrassRoots photos turned out better, and the cause is probably 2-fold: 1) the heat this year negatively affected both the festival participants and me, and 2) I was having some equipment issues that will inform my equipment choices next year! I did, however, get better photos of the GrassRoots Happiness Parade this year with an equipment combo that now seems obvious. Those are coming soon…)

(click an image to see them full size..)

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If Animals Went Grocery Shopping (NSFW)


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What if a farm animal went shopping at a grocery store?

Well, his diet might be a little less healthy, …and he probably wouldn’t be wearing clothes(!)

(click an image to see them against a dark background..)

Animal Groceries
Sugar and apples

Beer, chips, and cookies

Subscribe to my Fine Art Nude Photo of the Week Email Letter to see the uncensored photos.

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

July 4th Sparklers, Galway, NY (2015)


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Click the image to see it large..

July 4th Sparklers, Galway, NY (2015)

July 4th Sparklers, Galway, NY (2015)

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

Cafe Cashier 2015


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From a short series I’ll be posting shortly…

(click image to see it larger)

Cafe Cashier 2015

Cafe Cashier 2015

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

My Infamous Underwear Photo Shoot & the Passing of Time


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I just noticed it’s been a couple of years since my “infamous” Underwear at 50 photo shoot! Sometimes I take a glance back at the photos and usually I decide there are lots I don’t like. I just noticed this one that I kinda liked this time around (click it to see it against a dark background):

Underwear at 50

Underwear at 50

It’s got a different “feel” to it than the one I posted originally from this particular shot location.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t think this one was “comical” enough? I’m not sure.

It’s pretty common for me to go back to sets of photos I took in the past with “fresh eyes” and see photos I like that I didn’t like the first or even second time around. Strange phenomenon…:p

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

2014 GrassRoots Festival, Trumansburg, NY (July 2014)


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The GrassRoots Festival in Trumansburg, New York is coming up this July and I realized I hadn’t really gone through the photos I took at last year’s GrassRoots Festival! So here now is a bunch of photos I took at last year’s festival!

Click any image to see them large..

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

A Hot Day at the Ithaca Festival (2015)


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Today was the 3rd day of the 2015 Ithaca Festival (Saturday, May 30, 2015), and it was a hot one! There was a thunderstorm in the middle of the day that either cooled it down slightly or made it even more uncomfortable because of the additional humidity. In any case, it was quite hot in the sun!

I took a short stroll around the festival after the thunderstorm and tried to snap fragments of scenes that captured some of the festival “flavor”…:-).

Click any of the images to view them large..

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

2015 Cornell University Graduation Weekend


After photographing a graduation event I was paid to photograph, I decided to take a stroll around campus to capture some of the graduation ‘scenes’ going on, street photography style. It was a quick stroll, but there were many ‘scenes’ to be ‘seen’…:p.

Here now is my skewed experience of Cornell’s 2015 graduation weekend captured over a span of about 40 minutes (just to give you a sense of the density of stuff going on…)

Click on any image below to see them large..

Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at!

Art Museum Photography


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I sometimes try to talk my children into going to the local art museum, and they usually respond with “Nah” or “No Thanks”.

Well, it was my birthday the other day and I used the ‘leverage’ of it being my birthday to suggest we make a little visit to that art museum and then go out to dinner at a local restaurant. Even though they were predictably underwhelmed by my proposal, they obediently went along to appease the birthday boy‘s request.

Even though I’m not one of these photographers that always has his camera with him, I almost always have a camera when I visit an art museum. Most art museums allow you to take photos if you don’t use a flash. (Sometimes, they’ll have restricted exhibits where they don’t allow *any* photography; but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule.)

It’s not taking straight-up photos of each piece of artwork that I enjoy (most of the museum goers I see seem to be doing this), but rather looking for interesting juxtapositions of different artworks with each other, with respect to the museum’s architecture, in relation to the people visiting or working at the museum, or just a different distorting perspective. In short, I’m looking for any interesting compositions that catch my eye.

Here are a few shots I took during my latest visit for/during my birthday…:-).

Click any image to see them large..



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